Museum of Bílinská kyselka


The chronicle of Václav Hájek from Libočany is published, where the author describes the story of the Bílinské healing springs from the year 761. Although this is most likely a fictional story, it is certain that the Bílinské springs were already known in 1541 and that is why this story was related to them written.


Physicist C. Schwenckfeldt from Görlitz dedicates the last chapter of his book on Teplice to Bílinská kyselka. He gives a large list of diseases that Bílinská kyselka treats. His reference to "vires historici", about the cooking of salts from Bílinská kyselka, is interesting.


Farmer Henry Wicker discovers near the town of Epsom in Surrey (21 km from London) a well of water that the cattle do not drink even during the ongoing drought. After tasting the water, he found it very bitter. After its evaporation, crystals remained, which soon received the name "Epsom salt". Wickers found that bathing in this water relaxed sore muscles and softened hardened skin. It also soon proved to be an excellent laxative. In the following decades, Epsom salt became known throughout Europe. However, most of the Epsom salt consumed in Europe does not come from the city of Epsom, it was replaced by the bitter salt deposit of Sedlecká - Zaječická bitter water near the royal city of Most in Bohemia.


The Bílinská kyselka was registered in the urbar of the still minor Václav Ferdinand from Lobkovice. He later built a castle and had a daughter Eleaonora.


Princess Eleonora had the springs at the Bílin springs captured in narrow reservoirs lined with sandstone. The well had a wooden frame.


During his trip to Germany, the Russian Tsar visits the Teplice spa, where he meets Bílinská kyselka. Bílinská then becomes a traditional part of the Russian spa industry.


Dr. Friedrich Hoffmann, looking for a replacement for Epsom salt for the King of Prussia, discovers bitter water near the town of Most in Bohemia.


F. Hoffmann founds a pharmacy in Teplice and, together with Czech pharmacists, begins the production of Sedlitz Salt under the name Sedlitz Salt. (Corner of current Dlouhá and Papírová Streets).


Dr. F. Hoffmann together with ML Claufsen perform the analyses. They call springs "Fontis Sedlizentis in Bohemia". The analysis is also carried out by Dr. W. Kellner. CB Jampert also includes Zaječica bitter water in his publication published in Berlin.



Personal physician to the King of Prussia Dr. Friedrich Hoffmann, who, together with other doctors, was looking for an alternative to Epsom salt in Europe, came across a real bitter salt zone in Sedlec. In 1725, he publishes this report and thus begins a new chapter in the popularity of the Teplice spa.


Dr. F. Hoffmann publishes a book in Dresden and Halle "Indicium et examen fontis et salis Sedlizensis in Bohemia in ejusdem Medicina consultatoria".


JA Görlitz publishes a book in Dresden and Regensbueg: "Vermehrte nachrichten vod nedm böhmischen Sedlitzer oder Saidschitzer Bitterwasser". Further editions Leipzig 1730, Regensburg 1731 and 1754.


Dr. F. Hoffmann publishes a book in London "New Experiments and Observations on Mineral Waters". It directs the reader to their use for the preservation of health and the treatment of diseases. At that time he was already acting as a member of the Royal Society of England. Illustrations and notes are added by Dr. Peter Shaw.


Dr. KH Plattig manages the springs of Bílinská kyselka.


Bílinská is already known abroad. D. Johann Zittmann imports it to the Teplice spa and starts its use in the Teplice spa industry.


Friedrich Christian Lesser publishes a book in Hamburg: "Von den herrlichen Wirkungen des Seidlitzer Brunnens".


JA Görlitz publishes a book in Regensburg: "Neue Bemerkungen von dem Böhmischen Bitterwassern".


Dr. P. Shaw publishes an English translation of Hoffmann's work on Sedlecka salt in London.


Jenstchen publishes a book: "Kurze Gedanken von dem Nutzen und Gebrauch des Sedlitzer ode Saidschitzer Bitterwassers und des daraus verfertigen Salzes".

Meanwhile, during the reign of Maria Theresa, King Frederick II of Prussia concludes alliance with France and occupies a substantial part of the Kingdom of Bohemia.


Mathias Hansa publishes a monograph on the spa springs in Teplice under the auspices of the Clara-Aldringen family. Part of the monograph is also an extensive description of Bílinská kyselka and Zaječická bitter water and its use in the Teplice spa industry.


Coal is becoming a strategic mineral resource. But Hutter mentions the beginnings of mining as far back as 1613.


File about Bílina Dr. Kristian Schwenken from Dresden.


He publishes a file about the Bílinské springs.


A French translation of the book about Sedlecka salt is published in Berlin, entitled: "Dissertation sur les eaux de Sels er Seidlitz".


Johann Fr. Zittmann publishes a book: "Praktische Anmerkungen von den Teplizer Bädern und böhmischen Bitterwassern". It combines the use of bitter salt cleansing and spa treatment with thermal spa treatment.


GN Troschel publishes a book in Litoměřice: "Nothwendige Nachrichten von den wahrhaftig bohemischen Bitterwasern, Saidschitzer Urspungs as dem hochlebischen Berge".


J. Simon revises the adaptation of the springs of Bílinská kyselka after Dr. KH Plattig from 1732.


J. Simon revisits the adaptation of the Bílina springs after Dr. KH Plattig from 1732.


Heinrich Gottlieb Nepomuk Troschel publishes "Erforderliche nachrichten von dem Biliner Sauer Brunnen", Faculty of Medicine Prague.


Christian Friedrich Schulzens, Bachelor of Medicine from Friedrichstadt publishes the publication "Nachricht vom Böhmischen Biterwasser und Salze".


Laboratory for the production of magnesia carbonica


Josef Franz Maximilian Lobkowicz was born, after whom his son Ferdinand Lobkowicz (1797 – 1868) named the still-standing spring Josef's Quelle from 1824, popularly known as "Jozífek".


HJ in Crantz includes Hare Water in the publication: “Gesundbrunnen der Oesterr. Munich". Published in Vienna.


Josef Rössler was the first manufacturer of earthenware jugs.


Publishes the publication: "De Aquarum Sedlicensium usu" about the use of Zaječická bitter water.


The Faculty of Medicine in Leipzig publishes guidelines for the treatment of Bílinska kysela.


August Antonín Lobkovic has the springs re-walled and the warehouse set up. This first bottling plant was demolished only in 1904. The designer is Dr. KH Plattig.


The first restaurant is built next to the Bílinská kyselka mail building.


In the royal city of Most, Matyáš Hanza publishes the book "Treatise on Teplice mineral spa waters" with an appendix on the use of Bílinská kyselka (page 348), Zaječické bitter water (362) and magnesium powder from bitter water (Hoffmann's Sedlitz bitter wasser) in Teplice spa treatments.


JJ Berzelius analyzes Zaječická bitter water for the Swedish nobility. He himself diagnoses the possibilities of synthesizing bitter salt sprouts as too expensive compared to actual mining in Zaječice. This laid the foundations for massive exports to Scandinavia.


A large part of Bílinská kyselka is used in Teplice spas to treat gout.


František Ambrož Reuss publishes the book "Biliner Sauerbrunn" He is rightfully called the father of Bílinská kyselka. In the book, he thanks Prince František Josef Lobkowicz for his support.


Dr. Sparmann from Dresden reminds that Bílinská kyselka is drunk in the Teplice spa to support the treatment.


FA Reuss publishes "Geography of the North Bohemian Mountains" with the question: "Is basalt volcanic or not?" The idea that volcanic activity could be caused by the burning of massive coal seams was widely debated at the time. The burning of fossil coal seams was a well-known and dangerous phenomenon in North Bohemia. However, later calculations showed that the energy required for volcanic activity is several orders of magnitude greater and cannot be released by burning coal.


Reuss's publication is published in Prague: "Das Saidschitzer Bitterwasser physich, chemisch und midizinisch beschrieben".


Supplemented edition in Prague. With thanks: August Josef Lobkowicz.



Along with FA Reuss, a traveler and naturalist climbed Bořen A. v. Humboldt.


The Russian Tsar fell in love with the style of local spas in Teplice and Karlovy Vary. He started early in St. Petersburg to build a Russian spa industry. In order to include something guaranteed to be from Teplice, the export of Bílinská kyselka to Russia began. The supplies were provided by the merchant Johan Asmus Kranse and Dr. Christian Thal. Bílinská became so well known in Russia that it was only registered as a trademark in 1910.


In this year, the first problems appeared with the clogging of surface pits of the Bílinské kyselka with clay driven by torrential rains.


FA Reuss publishes a book in Prague: "Naturgeschichte der Biliner Sauerbrunnen in Böhmen". Slogan: Turpe est in patria habitare et patriam ignorare.


Archduke Rainer Joseph of Habsburg-Lorraine performs barometric measurements at Bořn.


After long-lasting torrential rains, the surface wells of the spa springs in Bílina were contaminated with rainwater. They had to be subsequently adjusted and deepened.


Reuss's book is published "Mineralquellen zu Bilin in Böhmen" with Notes, by Professor Steinmann, Chem.


A laboratory was built for the production of magnesia carbonicum from Bílinská kyselka and Zaječická bitter water.


The springs of Bílinská kyselka are naturally perceived as part of the spa industry in Teplice.


A book by FA Reuss with an appendix by the captain of the imperial corps of the French artillery is published in Vienna.


On August 17, he ascends to the top JW Goethe accompanied by Reuss.
Goethe calls himself an enthusiastic geological tourist, and in Lázně Bílina he makes several sketches depicting the surroundings of Bílina.


In 1812, Johann Wolfgang Goethe attracted to Lázní Bílina the most famous composer of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven, who at that time was being treated in the Teplice spa.



On September 2, 1813, a meeting of the three allies against Napoleon took place in the Teplice spa. In the subsequent famous battle of Chlumec, Napoleon's army was defeated by the allies.


An almost unexpected huge success is achieved by a London pharmacist Thomas F. Savory in his laboratory at No. 136 New Bond Street. Here he prepares the recipe for production imitations Zaječické bitter water, a well-known and very positively perceived healing spring, is located in Bílina. Thanks to the fame of Zaječická, the preparation is generally well received by the whole world and becomes a main product of pharmacy at the beginning of the 19th century.


František Josef Lobkowicz died, his successor is Ferdinand Lobkowicz.


Prince Ferdinand Lobkowicz has a temple of the spring named after father JOSEFS QUELLE built. Inscription on the temple: Patri filii pietas, MDCCCXXIV (1824).


Ernest Erhart publishes a handbook in Prague for French spa guests in Teplice, taking into account the Bílinské and Zaječické healing springs. He describes the city of Teplice as full of Russian, Prussian, Polish, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, English and French nobility.


Ferdinand Lobkowic asks the townspeople for a gubernatorial permit to build a new spa, inn and stables. In 1829, he obtains a building permit. The orchard is expanding. Two spa chambers with wooden tubs for acid baths will be added to the magnesium laboratory.


Struve carries out a chemical analysis of Bílinská kyselka.


Upper Councilor Reuss died. He is succeeded by his son Dr. August Emanuel Reuss.


Andreas Chrysogonus Eichler describes in the book "Beschreibung von Teplitz und seinen malerischen Umgebungen" the use of Bílinská in Teplitz baths and its use in the production of mixed drinks.


Bílinská and Zaječická becomes part of the list of the riches of the Czech nation in the encyclopedia Museums of the Kingdom of Bohemia.


Bílinská kyselka is listed in the encyclopedia "MUSEUMS OF THE KINGDOM OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC" in the list of national treasures.


A professor of medicine at the military academy in Berlin devotes a large part of his publication "Physikalisch-medicinische Darstellung der bekannten Heilquellen" Bílinské kyselke and Zaječické bitter water.


The production of Bílinské digestive lozenges was established.


Teplice spa doctor TL Richter publishes an extensive publication in Prague about Teplice spa springs. This publication is very popular and attracts many other travelers and scientists. In the book, a special chapter is dedicated to Bílina and its springs. He describes that a large number of Teplice spa guests visit the spring forest park in Bílina after lunch and drink Bílina sour with wine and in other ways. It also describes the production of Zaječická bitter salt and its use.


Doctor of Medicine James Johnson (Physician extr. to the late king.) publishes a book in London in 1841 "PILGRIMAGES TO THE SPAS IN PURSUIT OF HEALTH AND RECREATION". Czech approximately: "Travel books to sacred spa places, sought after for strengthening health and recreation". In the book, he describes his visit to the famous Teplice spa, where he met the author of the latest publication on Teplice springs, Dr. by Richter (Published the year before that, 1840).
According to his assessment "Teplice is the most fashionable German spa resort. Especially after the season, when there are no longer crowned heads and the very nobility who come to cure bodily defects and soothe the soul".
He also reminds that the Sedlecké and Zaječické springs, famous throughout Europe, belong to Teplice. He describes his visit to the Lobkowicz bottling plant in Bílina and the springs in Zaječice. He clarifies to British readers that the ingredients for "Sedlec powders" are not mined in Sedlec, and that Sedlec and the more widely used Zaječická is a strong solution of Epsom salt. With exaggeration, he says that he does not want to reject the old well-known preparation "Sedlecké powders", which all English people use and which refers to the composition of Sedlecká water. But he suggests a new name "TRUE (LONDON) PEASANT POWDER".


The book "Systematische Darstellung der chemischen Heilmittel" describing the use of bitter salt in medical practice is published in Vienna.



Famous Austrian chemist Josef Redtenbacher, chemical analysis of Bílinská kyselka. "Analyse des Biliner Sauerbrunnens" (LV, 228)


The princely city of Bílina conducts exploratory water wells. The Bílinská kyselka water zone was not affected.


Dr. Josef Seiche publishes "Topographisch historische und therapeutische schilderung des Sauerbrunnens zu Bilin in Böhmen".. Taking into account the fact that Bílinská kyselka is a perfect support for a spa treatment in Teplice due to its healing properties.


Josef V. Löschner publishes a publication in Prague "Die Wirkungen des Saidschitzer Bitterwassers". It also recommends adding carbon dioxide to Zaječická.


In Prague, FA Credner publishing house publishes a book by Josef Vilém z Löschner "Der SAUERBRUNNEN ZU BILIN in Böhmen therapeutisch gaschildert"
Löschner attempts a biochemical interpretation of Bílinská's healing effects. His work greatly benefited the overall popularity of Bílinská kyselka in Europe.


AE Reuss becomes a professor at the University of Vienna.


Dr. Gustav Hauck, German doctor and columnist describes in detail in the encyclopedia "Die Heilquellen und Kurorte Deutschland" Bílinská kyselka, Zaječice and their surroundings.


A handbook is published in London "Hand-book of principal watering places on the continent" with description and analysis of Bílinská kyselka by dr. Redtenbacher. Madden describes that in England Bílina is known as the "Vichy of Germany".


Manufactured by Hartmann and Sigl in Vienna's New Town.


Emperor Francis Joseph I granted AE Reus a knighthood with the right to wear a coat of arms with Mount Bořeň on it.


The Moritz Quelle pavilion was established and the construction of the Bílina spa house started.


5.10. 1872, it was established according to the decree of the Prague Spa Governorate, file no. 567 protected area of ​​Bílinská kyselka according to the design and calculations of AE Reusse.


On June 6, the first train with 20 wagons passed through Bílina.


Swenken publishes a book about the Teplice Bílin spa and Karlovy Vary.


Acting spa doctor in Bílina Dr. Karel Preiss is replaced by Prof. Dr. AE Reuss. Son of AE Reuss Dr. Vilém Reuss is knighted with the Iron Crown.


He publishes a book about the physiognomic and therapeutic effects of Bílinská kyselka.


LUYTIES BROTHERS, 73, Park Row, New York, obtains exclusive U.S. representation.


The František Josef spring was drilled. The drop drill technique was used to a depth of approx. 60 m.


Enlargement of the Bílinské kyselka protection area due to lignite mining. The proposal was drawn up and presented to the mining governorship in Prague by professors Fr. Steiner and G. Laube.


The Directorate of Springs actively participates in practically all world exhibitions, where it receives high or highest awards in the field of spa springs.


On April 18, the extended protected zone of the Bílinské kyselka was approved under the number 4.


After the jubilee national exhibition in Prague, the Lobkowicz exhibition pavilion was dismantled on October 18, 1891. During the following two years, it was assembled in the spa park in Bílina. It is a Swiss-style wooden pavilion and has been used as a forest cafe ever since.


An extensive publication by Dr. Vilém Gintl and Dr. Gustav Laube, who, together with graduate engineer Fridrich Steiner, participated in the extensive rehabilitation of the Bíli springs on the instructions of Prince Mořice Lobkowicz. It was published by the publishing house of the industrial and commercial directorate of sources in Bílina at the printing house of Johan Dreschner.


Professor of geology and paleontology at the University of Prague Dr. Gustav Laube publishes a book with a geological description of the map of Bílina. A geological model made of plywood contours is part of the Bílinské kyselky Museum.


On May 29, 1898, a monument was unveiled in the area in front of the main spa building to the father and son Reuss, the important popularizers of the Bílina kyselka. The celebration was attended by Dr. Wilhelm Ritter von Reuss, Prof. Aufust Leopold Ritter von Reuss, Prof. August Adolf Ritter von Reuss and Dr. Hans Ott. At the same time, the Inhalatoria building was built and a new bottling plant for the spa springs was built near the track.


This year, 5 million bottles of Bílinská kyselka were shipped. The distribution of Bílinská and Zaječická bottles greatly speeds up the connection to the Prague-Duchcovská railway line.


Thanks to the influx of cheap magnesium powder from Tyrol, the production of magnesium in Bílina was cancelled. A new modern building is planned on the site due to the growing sales towards England.


Bílinská kyselka is exported to Rio de Janeiro. It is imported to Brazil by LION and Cia, SANTOS and SAO PAULO.


Wolfgang Marko Witiko (Hrsg.) publishes a selection of works on Bílinská kyselka and Bílinské digestive lozenges in an English translation by Benedict Odo Manasse at the publishing house Ritter und Kloeden in Nuremberg.


Bílinská wins the main prize as the best dietetic natural drink in the world.


The rock surface was exposed and exploration shafts were built. More than 150 cubic meters of soil were moved. After the construction of four new intake shafts directly in the fissures with the Bílinská springs, the area was once again covered with soil. The work did not have the appropriate effect, therefore in 000-1913 the company built a 1914 m deep collection shaft with an unusual cross-section of 26×19 m with a "bell" capture.


Adolf Wintr, director of Bílina springs, is retiring. Mořic Lobkowic improves the spa in cooperation with A. Hannakapf, court council. A new filling method is introduced and springs are modified. The new fillers were designed by A. Scherrer in Bad Ems.


The Directorate of Springs protests against the blasting of phonolite gravel on the relatively remote Želenické Hill. There is a suspicion of the effect of blasting on the fracture system of the Bílinské kyselka. This suspicion was not confirmed in the following century.


Professor Gintl conducts analyzes of Bílinská kyselka in Prague at the Institute of Balneology of Charles University.


The first international hygiene exhibition opened in Dresden on May 6, 1911. With 325 square meters of exhibition space, it surpassed last year's world exhibition in Brussels. An impressive attendance of five and a half million shows that the exhibition kept up with the times and managed to effectively convey health information to the public. In pavilion 000 there was an exhibition of world spas and springs. At that time, the Bílina Directorate of Springs was the recent holder of the highest rating of the labor inspectorate of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and from this exhibition it took home a gold medal for BÍLINSKÁ KYSELKA.


The Great War, now known as "World War I", is raging in Europe. The spa house in Bílina is used as a Red Cross reserve hospital. The military spa doctor is MUDr. Ferdinand Vogel.


The Great War messed up the political map of Europe. The detachments of the Czechoslovak legions join the German region "Nordböhmen" to the newly established Czecho-Slovak Republic. The sources of Bílinská kyselka are no longer in Austria-Hungary, but in the German region of Bohemia-Slovakia. The relationship of the Czechs to Bílinské kyselka is best represented by this newspaper advertisement.


At the outflow of 770 l/min during the groundwater seepage at the Venus mine, no effect on the springs of Bílinská kyselka was detected.


The yield of the Bílinská kyselka springs reaches 6,3 liters per minute.


The springs of Bílinská kyselka are confiscated by the Wehrmacht and, together with the radon water from Teplice, the production is directed to the needs of the army in Africa due to its sterility and suitability for drinking in hot weather.


Many publications recommending healing treatments in Bílina are published in Germany.


Ing. Václav Dašek makes a phenomenal proposal for the establishment of Bílinská kyselka reservoirs, which therefore does not need to be bottled continuously as it has been until now. This is the clear basis of the concept of the current production plant of the Bílina springs directorate.


Deportation of the majority German population managed by settlement commissions. The Czech population is coming to Bílina and Teplice.


The gas station is taken over by the communist government. The former owner of the bottling plant, Czechoslovak diplomat Maximilian Erwin Lobkowicz, had to go into American exile. Bílina and Teplice are inhabited by people from the Central Bohemian region. The national enterprise Středočeská zřídla np with a branch in Zaječice was created from the bottling plant in Bílina.


The extensive and exhibition forest park built for centuries around the Bílin springs is planted with a huge number of fast-growing spruces, so that it disappears as a monument to the past and a politically inappropriate topic.


Hydrogeologists Ing. RNDr Karel Zima a Doc. Ing. Ota Hynie they began a complete survey of the Bílinská kyselka catchment area. This research lasted until 1955.


K. Zima's proposal to extend the protective zone to the edge of the Tertiary basin and remove the right bank area of ​​the Bílina River. The realization that the coal seams are separated from the crystalline bedrock by a powerful layer of clay.


Government Resolution 1030 of 1958 on the provisional protection zone of G. Kačura and V. Myslil.


Georij Kačura carried out a massive hydrogeological survey of the springs of Bílinská kyselka, which lasted until 1965.


The test well V-1 of the new receiving system under the leadership of G. Kačura supplies Bílinská kyselka with higher mineralization and CO2 for bottling for the first time. This starts the shutdown of the old shallow wells.


Georgij Kačura solves the spring problems of the Bílinské kyselka with wells V1, V2 and V3. 60m NE from the existing main sump.


Bílinská kyselka becomes the most distributed spa spring in Czechoslovakia.


The most modern European colonnade is being built on the site of the original spa alleys in the oldest spa town. It is dedicated to the drinking cure of the Teplice spa, Bílinská kyselka.


The BHMW a.s. springs directorate is preparing a project with architect I. Řezáč (HYCO)


Bílinská is the drink of the World Golf Association at the World Championship in Doral, Miami USA.


Completion of the reconstruction of the main factory building, rail loading and construction of the bottling plant's underground production plant.


The new bottling technology ensures the historically best quality bottling process of Bílinská and Zaječická.


The Bílina springs directorate represents the Ústí region at the world exhibition Expo 2015 in Milan.


In 2017-2018, the Reuss monument was restored to its original form. The color of the staircase was coordinated with the colors of the historical buildings.


On November 18, the executive director of BHMW as Vojtěch Milko received the award for the Business Project of the Year 2019 for the renovation of the bottling plant of the spa springs in Mariánské Lázně.


In Mariánské Lázně, the building of the reconstructed saltworks, now the bottling plant of spa springs and mineral waters of the company BHMW a.s., is open